Call for Applications no. 05/PPGFSC/2018

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Call for Applications no. 05/PPGFSC/2018

Show simple item record Física, Programa de Pós-graduação 2018-10-04T08:10:17Z 2018-10-04T08:10:17Z 2018-10-29
dc.description The Coordinator of the UFSC Graduate Program in Physics (PPGFSC/UFSC), in the exercise of his statutory duties, attributed by the Normative Resolution nº. 95/CUn/2017, of 4 April 2017, and by the PPGFSC Bylaws, makes public and establishes the rules for the application process destined to select students for admission to the PPGFSC Doctoral Program. pt_BR
dc.description.abstract The Coordinator of the UFSC Graduate Program in Physics (PPGFSC/UFSC), in the exercise of his statutory duties, attributed by the Normative Resolution nº. 95/CUn/2017, of 4 April 2017, and by the PPGFSC Bylaws, makes public and establishes the rules for the application process destined to select students for admission to the PPGFSC Doctoral Program. pt_BR
dc.language.iso eng pt_BR
dc.relation.ispartofseries 05;
dc.subject Call for Applications pt_BR
dc.subject Selection process pt_BR
dc.subject Doctoral Program pt_BR
dc.subject 2019/1 pt_BR
dc.title Call for Applications no. 05/PPGFSC/2018 pt_BR
dc.type DocsOficiais pt_BR

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This item appears in the following Collection(s)

  • Processo Seletivo 2019/1 [12]
    Documentos do processo seletivo para ingresso nos cursos de mestrado e doutorado do PPGFSC

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