Platform and Methodology for Developing Modern Systems in Restricted Enterprise Environments, using Elixir/Erlang, Docker, CI/CD and Microservices
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Platform and Methodology for Developing Modern Systems in Restricted Enterprise Environments, using Elixir/Erlang, Docker, CI/CD and Microservices |
Jung, Rafael
Due to the many threats of the digital age, the need for security is every day higher. The
cost associated securing systems to protect strategic digital assets is very high. Then is in
countless enterprises a very common pattern to have very strict IT and data security rules,
thus causing loss of productivity especially in the engineering departments. The modern
software development environment often requires fast changes, which incur in having to
quickly change tools and deploy new versions.
To overcome this problem, a set of tools were used with the objective of creating a
development environment completely outside of the enterprise systems. Within these tools
are GitLab, with the integrated CI/CD pipelines; Docker, to "simulate" the destination
server and compile the project dependency free and Elixir/Erlang to be the layer between
data and views and serve as proxy and web server.
At the same time, a deployment process needed to be well defined and automated, in a
way that would follow the best agile software deployment practices. This made sure all
the out-of-network developed software would work just as specified in production, without
the developers needing to worry with production-only issues.
At the end, this platform allowed to achieve very high development speeds, compatible
with that of the best startup teams, by using latest technology. And at the same time,
keeping compatibility with all the legacy tools in existence. |
TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Tecnológico. Engenharia de Controle e Automação. |
2018 |
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