Data mining of Intracranial Interictal EEG recordings of Epilepsy patients with focal cortical dysplasia.
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dc.contributor |
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina |
pt_BR |
dc.contributor.advisor |
Gonçalves, Alexandre Leopoldo |
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Inacio, Guilherme Silva |
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2019-12-17T21:23:18Z |
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2019-12-17T21:23:18Z |
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2019-11-27 |
dc.identifier.uri | |
dc.description |
TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Campus Araranguá. Engenharia da Computação. |
pt_BR |
dc.description.abstract |
Epilepsy is a group of neurological diseases that affects up to 1% of the world’s population.
About a third of the patients diagnosed with epilepsy are considered with difficult treatment
(refractory), this group of patients can benefit from a resective surgery, that removes the
epileptogenic tissue of the brain. Nowadays, the exams for the delineation of the areas for
resection are still imprecise, and one of the techniques for a better definition of these brain areas
require electrophysiological examination with invasive intracranial long-term
electroencephalography monitoring (iEEG). One of the strategies for determining the
epileptogenic zone (EZ) is to analyze the interictal data of patients with favorable outcomes and
unfavorable outcomes with respect to the surgery resected areas and determine the statistical
significance between them. A detection, analysis, and clustering data mining algorithm was
used in order to extract information of 52 patients with focal cortical dysplasia (FCD) epilepsy.
The detection algorithm identifies the interictal epileptiform discharges (IEDs) and arranges the
detected activities into clusters given the patterns of spreading. For the statistical analysis, a
comparison of the clustered data from three different vigilance epochs (sleep, awake and the
combination of both) identified the most relevant epoch for identifying the epileptogenic areas
and extract additional parameters. The results showed that the combined epoch of awake and
sleep showed strong statistical significance in relation to the outcomes, followed by sleep and
awake, respectively. Furthermore, given the positive results of the first analysis, an additional
data mining was done in order to utilize the algorithm’s outputs to predict the patient’s FCD
group, a predictive model was trained and displayed accuracy greater than 80% when tested
with non-trained data. |
pt_BR |
dc.language.iso |
eng |
pt_BR |
dc.publisher |
Araranguá, SC |
pt_BR |
dc.rights |
Open Access |
en |
dc.subject |
Data Mining |
pt_BR |
dc.subject |
Epilepsy |
pt_BR |
dc.subject |
Predictive analysis |
pt_BR |
dc.subject |
Electroencephalography |
pt_BR |
dc.subject |
Epileptiform Discharges |
pt_BR |
dc.title |
Data mining of Intracranial Interictal EEG recordings of Epilepsy patients with focal cortical dysplasia. |
pt_BR |
dc.type |
TCCgrad |
pt_BR |
dc.contributor.advisor-co |
Janča, Radek |
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