Knowledge of “Pre mathematics” in Times of the Modern Mathematics Movement (1960-1980)

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Knowledge of “Pre mathematics” in Times of the Modern Mathematics Movement (1960-1980)

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Title: Knowledge of “Pre mathematics” in Times of the Modern Mathematics Movement (1960-1980)
Author: Santos, Edilene Simões Costa dos; França, Denise Medina de Almeida
Abstract: Through the historical analysis of Dienes’ works and through the suggestions of activities, the objective of this text is to understand the movement of systematization of knowledge for teaching and to teach classification, ranking, and ordination through the use of logical blocks during the Modern Mathematics Movement (1960-1980), a time of transformations in the structure and teachings of mathematics characterized by the circulation of educational experiences, which recommended the use of logical blocks as facilitators in the materialization of abstract ideas. To assist in this study, we bring references mobilized in works from the Research Team in the History of Educational Sciences (ERHISE), from the University of Geneva, Switzerland. Such references seek to historically understand the professional knowledge of teaching, objectified in legislation, programs, curriculum, decrees, among others with regard to the knowledge to teach and for teaching. The study suggests that one of the objectified knowledges in Brazilian programs, is the way to approach the logical-mathematical structures in a concrete way, that is, with the use of logical blocks to build and materialize knowledge referring to the logical structures of classification, ranking and ordination.
Description: Disponível em:
Date: 2020-05

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