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A presente dissertação tem como objetivo ?coproduzir o processo de Planejamento Estratégico (PE), como ferramenta de gestão para um Programa de Pós-Graduação, realizando um estudo de caso junto ao PPGTIC, UFSC Araranguá?. Para tanto, serão respeitados os critérios presentes no documento da área Interdisciplinar, condizentes com o sistema de avaliação e regulação da Coordenação de Avaliação de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES). A coprodução do PE aconteceu junto aos stakeholders, com a definição dos Valores, Missão e Visão do Programa, bem como, a análise dos ambientes externo e interno para elaboração da Matriz SWOT, juntamente com o desenvolvimento dos Fatores Críticos de Sucesso, questões estratégicas, estratégias, ações estratégicas, indicadores e resultados esperados do PPGTIC. A gestão eficiente das organizações é complexa e isto não é diferente para as Instituições de Ensino Superior, que também necessitam de um conjunto de ferramentas de gestão, que atendam às especificidades de seu modus operandi. Para tanto, o Planejamento Estratégico vem sendo aprimorado para atingir aos critérios de excelência do Sistema Nacional de Programas de PósGraduação (SNPG), tendo como documento norteador o Plano de Desenvolvimento Institucional (PDI) da UFSC, para adequação de processos e estratégias, visando à melhoria contínua. O PPGTIC está em processo de mudança organizacional e seus stakeholders coproduziram, via técnica Delphi, brainstorming e encontros presenciais a análise do ambiente interno e externo do Programa, definindo missão, visão e valores, bem como, indicadores e resultados esperados. Contudo, diversas são as ameaças e dificuldades, que atingem à pósgraduação stricto sensu, em especial, as IES públicas, altamente influenciadas pelo contexto político, exigindo de seus gestores a definição/redefinição de ações e estratégias emergentes para manter o ensino e a pesquisa de qualidade. Esta dissertação tem como base a Busca Sistemática da Literatura, conforme o método SSF (Systematic Search Flow), complementada por pesquisa exploratória, resultando na análise do Planejamento Estratégico em instituições de ensino. Conclui-se que, o Planejamento Estratégico do PPGTIC foi elaborado com base em um cenário ?normal? de funcionamento da Universidade e, por conseguinte, dos Programas de PósGraduação. Contudo, o ambiente de contingenciamento de recursos se mostra como um desafio para implementação do Planejamento Estratégico, que tem como um dos seus objetivos, atender aos critérios de avaliação da CAPES, que podem crescer em dificuldade, conforme o ambiente pressiona e mingua a educação pública |
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Abstract: The objective of this work is to ?co-produce the Strategic Planning process, as a management tool for a Post-Graduate Program, carrying out a case study of PPGTIC, UFSC Araranguá?. The strategic plan will be based on the criteria present in the document of the Interdisciplinary area, according to the evaluation and regulation system of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES). The stakeholders co-produced the definition of the PPGTIC Values, Mission and Vision, as well as the analysis of the external and internal environments for the preparation of the SWOT Matrix, the Critical Success Factors, strategic issues, strategies, strategic actions, indicators and, the results that are intends to achieve for the PPGTIC. The efficient management of organizations is complex, and this is no different for Higher Education Institutions, which also need a set of management tools, which meet the specifics of their modus operandi. To this end, Strategic Planning seeks to achieve the criteria of excellence of the National Post-Graduate Program System. Among the guiding documents for the elaboration of the PPGTIC strategic planning is the UFSC Institutional Development Plan, to adapt processes and strategies, seeking continuous improvement. PPGTIC is in the process of organizational change and its stakeholders co-produced, via Delphi technique, brainstorming and face-to-face meetings to analyze the internal and external environment, defining mission, vision and values, as well as indicators and projection of results. However, there are many threats and difficulties, which affect Post-Graduate, especially public universities, which are highly influenced by the political context, requiring their managers to redefine actions and emerging strategies to maintain the quality of teaching and research. This research is based on the Systematic Search of Literature, according to the SSF (Systematic Search Flow) method, complemented by exploratory research, resulting in the analysis of strategic planning in educational institutions. The elaboration of the PPGTIC's strategic planning took place based on a ?normal? scenario of the University's functioning and, consequently, of the Post-Graduate Programs. However, the contingency of financial resources from the Brazilian government is a challenge for the implementation of strategic planning, which aims to meet the CAPES assessment criteria, which can grow in difficulty, as the environment presses and depletes pThe objective of this work is to ?co-produce the Strategic Planning process, as a management tool for a Post-Graduate Program, carrying out a case study of PPGTIC, UFSC Araranguá?. The strategic plan will be based on the criteria present in the document of the Interdisciplinary area, according to the evaluation and regulation system of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES). The stakeholders co-produced the definition of the PPGTIC Values, Mission and Vision, as well as the analysis of the external and internal environments for the preparation of the SWOT Matrix, the Critical Success Factors, strategic issues, strategies, strategic actions, indicators and, the results that are intends to achieve for the PPGTIC. The efficient management of organizations is complex, and this is no different for Higher Education Institutions, which also need a set of management tools, which meet the specifics of their modus operandi. To this end, Strategic Planning seeks to achieve the criteria of excellence of the National Post-Graduate Program System. Among the guiding documents for the elaboration of the PPGTIC strategic planning is the UFSC Institutional Development Plan, to adapt processes and strategies, seeking continuous improvement. PPGTIC is in the process of organizational change and its stakeholders co-produced, via Delphi technique, brainstorming and face-to-face meetings to analyze the internal and external environment, defining mission, vision and values, as well as indicators and projection of results. However, there are many threats and difficulties, which affect Post-Graduate, especially public universities, which are highly influenced by the political context, requiring their managers to redefine actions and emerging strategies to maintain the quality of teaching and research. This research is based on the Systematic Search of Literature, according to the SSF (Systematic Search Flow) method, complemented by exploratory research, resulting in the analysis of strategic planning in educational institutions. The elaboration of the PPGTIC's strategic planning took place based on a ?normal? scenario of the University's functioning and, consequently, of the Post-Graduate Programs. However, the contingency of financial resources from the Brazilian government is a challenge for the implementation of strategic planning, which aims to meet the CAPES assessment criteria, which can grow in difficulty, as the environment presses and depletes pThe objective of this work is to ?co-produce the Strategic Planning process, as a management tool for a Post-Graduate Program, carrying out a case study of PPGTIC, UFSC Araranguá?. The strategic plan will be based on the criteria present in the document of the Interdisciplinary area, according to the evaluation and regulation system of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES). The stakeholders co-produced the definition of the PPGTIC Values, Mission and Vision, as well as the analysis of the external and internal environments for the preparation of the SWOT Matrix, the Critical Success Factors, strategic issues, strategies, strategic actions, indicators and, the results that are intends to achieve for the PPGTIC. The efficient management of organizations is complex, and this is no different for Higher Education Institutions, which also need a set of management tools, which meet the specifics of their modus operandi. To this end, Strategic Planning seeks to achieve the criteria of excellence of the National Post-Graduate Program System. Among the guiding documents for the elaboration of the PPGTIC strategic planning is the UFSC Institutional Development Plan, to adapt processes and strategies, seeking continuous improvement. PPGTIC is in the process of organizational change and its stakeholders co-produced, via Delphi technique, brainstorming and face-to-face meetings to analyze the internal and external environment, defining mission, vision and values, as well as indicators and projection of results. However, there are many threats and difficulties, which affect Post-Graduate, especially public universities, which are highly influenced by the political context, requiring their managers to redefine actions and emerging strategies to maintain the quality of teaching and research. This research is based on the Systematic Search of Literature, according to the SSF (Systematic Search Flow) method, complemented by exploratory research, resulting in the analysis of strategic planning in educational institutions. The elaboration of the PPGTIC's strategic planning took place based on a ?normal? scenario of the University's functioning and, consequently, of the Post-Graduate Programs. However, the contingency of financial resources from the Brazilian government is a challenge for the implementation of strategic planning, which aims to meet the CAPES assessment criteria, which can grow in difficulty, as the environment presses and depletes public education. |
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