Bioarquitetura: Sistemas produtivos de mínimo impacto ambiental aplicados ao planejamento de habitações em áreas de risco.

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Bioarquitetura: Sistemas produtivos de mínimo impacto ambiental aplicados ao planejamento de habitações em áreas de risco.

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Title: Bioarquitetura: Sistemas produtivos de mínimo impacto ambiental aplicados ao planejamento de habitações em áreas de risco.
Author: Lima, Julyana; Braga, Ingrid
Abstract: In recent years, there has been a worldwide concern about the social problems arising from natural disasters that affect the efficient functioning of cities. In Brazil, there is a notable increase in the number of people living in poor quality of life because they live in areas at risk or vulnerable to disasters. The article discusses some aspects of existing problems in risk areas, the need for city resilience and the dissemination of constructive techniques based on Bioarchitecture as a possible solution in the recreation of values and spaces. The analysis carried out on the possibility of applying construction techniques with reduction of costs and environmental impacts in the Saint Louis’ Island – MA, intends to contribute to the present scenario of precarious housing in various parts of the city. The results are obtained through the collection of local and global data, study of design references and sustainable solutions adopted in different contexts.
Date: 2017-05-03

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