Um enfoque na arborização urbana: planejar é necessário.

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Um enfoque na arborização urbana: planejar é necessário.

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Title: Um enfoque na arborização urbana: planejar é necessário.
Author: Bruna Calabria, Diniz; Rader, Adriéli Raquél da Silva; Silva, Gabriela Pires da; Soares, Rafael; Tarcísio Dorn de, Oliveira
Abstract: Population growth in urban areas and increasing urbanization meant that the number of existing trees declined gradually. In the last decades, a greater preoccupation with the planting of trees in the urban centers has caused that researches in the area were increased and consequently the sensitization of the population to the subject. The benefits of afforestation are numerous, improvements can be cited: air quality and sound, ecological, aesthetic, economic and social. However, the planting and management of species need to be planned in the best possible way and with the accompaniment of qualified professionals. The lack of laws that encourage and regulate urban afforestation is one of the problems felt in the performance of municipal public agencies, since to solve the problem studied, is to improve the quality of life of its inhabitants.
Date: 2017-05-03

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