O uso de material orgânico proveniente de dejetos suínos como adição em cimentos Portland.

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O uso de material orgânico proveniente de dejetos suínos como adição em cimentos Portland.

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Title: O uso de material orgânico proveniente de dejetos suínos como adição em cimentos Portland.
Author: Magalhâes, Igor Carvalho de; Martins, Jamile Fagundes; Ferroli, Paulo Cesar Machado
Abstract: The pollution of the planet is getting worse due to several factors that much we know by the media and our own life experience, living in cities with too increased population density. In the west of the State of Santa Catarina, this population growth has been increasing due to the growth of the poultry and swine industries. A major pollution factor of this state and many places in the world is the management of pig manure. After water, Portland cement is one of the substances used or consumed by humans thanks to its defining characteristics in their natural state by molding and workability, and high durability and resistance to loads and fire (hard state). Irreplaceable in civil works, the cement can be employed in both urban furniture as large dams, roads and buildings, bridges, concrete pipes or roofs. It may even be the raw material for art. The traditional Portland cement is basically composed of clay and limestone, substances which, when melted in an oven at high temperatures, turn into little acorns clinker calls. These clinker grains are ground with gypsum mineral (raw gypsum) to powder. The union of pig manure chemically processed as addition to Portland cement, can significantly reduce this pollution, contributing to a better environment in our lives.
URI: https://repositorio.ufsc.br/handle/123456789/240661
Date: 2017-05-03

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