Legal Feasibility for Community Solar Deployment in Brazil

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Legal Feasibility for Community Solar Deployment in Brazil

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Title: Legal Feasibility for Community Solar Deployment in Brazil
Author: Almeida, Juliane Silva de
Abstract: Community Solar (CS) are an electricity utility consumers association of share energy produced by photovoltaics systems on-grid. Electricity utility consumers that intend to participate in share photovoltaic energy production and in Credits Energy System Rewards (CESR) can compose the CS joint venture. In Brazil, the Regulatory Agency of Electrical System (ANEEL) regulates the CESR by the Normative Instruction (RN) 482/2012, which adopted the Net Metering system. RN 482/2012 has reviewed in 2015. Despite that, RN 482/212 brought some concepts that allows deploying CS business models. This paper is going to show the legal feasibility of some CS models described in literature, according to the Brazilian laws, by regulatory analysis. Nowadays it is possible the centralized CS deployment in Brazil.
Date: 2017-05-03

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