The organisation of a socioeconomic observatory for construction of the mesoregion of Chapeco - SC
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The organisation of a socioeconomic observatory for construction of the mesoregion of Chapeco - SC |
Trichês, Andréia Fatima; Dallacorte, Caroline; Jacoski, Claudio Alcides
This paper reports the development of a research project that aimed to collect as much information
as possible about the civil construction sector for an already existing socioeconomic observatory,
in the improvement phase, around the mesoregion of Chapecó / SC. For the collection of the data,
the probable sources of consultation were listed, followed by meetings with the competent bodies.
With the collected data it was possible to observe the potential of regional development and to conclude the study proposing a socioeconomic analysis through the crossing of the information
acquired, as well as to present the expectations derived from the effective use of this valuable
digital tool in the analysis of the evolution of the civil construction sector at local and national
level. The aim is to generate means for performance evaluation and creation of indicators for the
cities of Santa Catarina, especially for the municipality of Chapecó, a regional reference as a pole
of social and economic growth. |
2017-05-03 |
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