How to Reuse Waste from the Furniture Industry through Sustainable Design

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How to Reuse Waste from the Furniture Industry through Sustainable Design

Show simple item record Klein, Felipe Zachi, Géssica Vanzella, Ivanes Camiloti, Lidiane 2022-10-17T19:24:45Z 2022-10-17T19:24:45Z 2017-05-03
dc.identifier.issn 2596-237X
dc.description.abstract The article presents a proposal of differentiated material to be applied in spaces designed or plan- ned by designers. The innovation is in the application of waste from the furniture industry of the Far West of Santa Catarina in the production of a plate that has regional elements and that can be applied in various environments and furniture. In this way the research began with a survey of the waste produced by companies in the Extreme West Region of Santa Catarina, more specifically in the cities of Pinhalzinho, Maravilha and Saudades, as well as a survey on the types, sizes, quantiti- es and composition of the same. Design within this context presented itself as an alternative that comes with socioeconomic interests, increasingly involving the business segment. The final result presents the method and the application of the developed project, which proposes the application of a sheet produced with furniture waste to be applied in planned spaces. pt_BR
dc.language.iso por pt_BR
dc.publisher Grupo de Pesquisa Virtuhab pt_BR
dc.subject Waste; Interior Design; Sustainability pt_BR
dc.title How to Reuse Waste from the Furniture Industry through Sustainable Design pt_BR
dc.title.alternative How to Reuse Waste from the Furniture Industry through Sustainable Design pt_BR
dc.type Article pt_BR

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