Coberturas verdes: Uma alternativa viável de sustentabilidade na construção civil

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Coberturas verdes: Uma alternativa viável de sustentabilidade na construção civil

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Title: Coberturas verdes: Uma alternativa viável de sustentabilidade na construção civil
Author: Oliveira, Tarcísio Dorn de; Botelho, Kátia Carolina Hunhoff; Diniz, Bruna Calabria; Consatti, Diego Alan Wink
Abstract: The great population growth and bad planning of the urban areas, culminated in gray concrete cities, without green natural environments. The article aims to show the roof plant as a solution to this problem. The roof is composed of a base structure (solid slab or structure that supports the applied loads), impermeable blanket, and filtering blanket, ground layer and end the chosen vegetation. Through bibliographic studies and a case study it was concluded that one of its main functions is drainage of rainwater, considerably reducing runoff, delaying peak flow, which relieves pressure on the sewage. The green roof, besides aesthetically improving the environment, considerably assists thermal well-being, maintaining factors such as temperature and humidity of the air to pleasant levels, reducing the energy consumption of the residence. It also works as an excellent acoustic insulation.
Date: 2017-05-03

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