Relato da experiência de valorização da agricultura familiar no norte do estado de Santa Catarina, por meio da gestão de design

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Relato da experiência de valorização da agricultura familiar no norte do estado de Santa Catarina, por meio da gestão de design

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Title: Relato da experiência de valorização da agricultura familiar no norte do estado de Santa Catarina, por meio da gestão de design
Author: Zacchi, Giancarlo Philippi; Merino, Eugenio Andrés Díaz; Merino, Giselle Schmidt Alves Díaz
Abstract: The Family farming has been gaining more evidence in the economic outlook as much as in the food production in different productive chains, contributing positively to the food production increase and food safety. However, regarding the public policies supporting the activity from the sowing to the harvest, from the soil preparation to the marketing, it still faces challenges such as low generation and distribution of employment and income; rural exodus and the loss of agriculture diversity. In this context, the design management has a vast field for its practice development, in order to identify the opportunities and weaknesses of rural areas and propose through actions the valuation of the family farming role. This article aims to present an experience report of promoting the family farming through the design in the north area of Santa Catarina state developed by Núcleo de Gestão de Design (Design management unit) and Laboratório de Design e Usabilidade (Design and Usability laboratory) – NGD/LDU, by Federal University of Santa Catarina in partnership with a EPAGRI/SC RURAL. This article is characterized by applied research, with descriptive and exploratory objective, qualitative approach, with a methodological, documental and bibliographic procedure based on a multi-case study in micro-regions of Blumenau and Joinville in Santa Catarina state. This study showed that the proprieties in both micro-regions of Blumenau and Joinville present a production classified as diversified, although there is specialization and a move to diversity in all properties; the investigated properties are interested in implementing organized actions to explore the tourism, some regions already have it, even though 15,38% of the properties have stated that do not want to explore this segment, and the design approach in the study cases may guide the valuation of family farming and enhance the performance of local development by extending the links between actors directly and indirectly involved
Date: 2017-05-03

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