A utilização de merostachys no artesanato guarani Mbya e sua viabilidade no mercado sustentável.
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A utilização de merostachys no artesanato guarani Mbya e sua viabilidade no mercado sustentável. |
Spezia Junior, Mauri Silvestre; Otte, Marina
This work is to present the use of native bambusáceas south of the country that have been used for
centuries by indigenous peoples , especially the Mbya Guarani in craft making and as a building
material. The use of indigenous species draws attention to a study and an analysis of the importance
given to them by indigenous peoples. The study is focused on the revaluation of Merostachys , which
is of economic importance to the Guarani and their viability for sustainable market within which will
be analyzed three important factors : the Guarani and their culture, biology bambusáceas and its
viability as plant reforestation, and viability of the Guarani handicrafts be inserted into sustainable
luxury market. |
2017-05-03 |
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