Inovação Social e Empreendedorismo Social: Uma Revisão Integrativa
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Inovação Social e Empreendedorismo Social: Uma Revisão Integrativa |
Massad, Daniela de Oliveira; Fossari, Ivana Maria; Lapolli, Édis Mafra
Efforts to solve social problems have made issues such as social innovation and social
entrepreneurship increasingly well known. With the objective of carrying out a theoretical survey on
the two constructs - social innovation and social entrepreneurship - this article brings an integrative
review of articles published in the Scopus database in recent years. Through bibliometric analysis it
has been observed that studies on the subject have been in evidence in recent years and that most of
them originate in English-speaking countries such as the United States and United Kingdom. Due to
the evaluation of the contents, it was found that some articles approach the two constructs in a
different way, but for current studies they can be considered complementary subjects. From this cut
of the recent scientific production it was possible to verify the importance and necessity of the
development of studies in the proposed theme |
2017-05-03 |
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