Moda sustentável: uma luz no fim do túnel!

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Moda sustentável: uma luz no fim do túnel!

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Title: Moda sustentável: uma luz no fim do túnel!
Author: Keller, Jacqueline
Abstract: Fashion and sustainability, at first, seem two subjects that do not relate, however, sustainability is in Fashion. This article aims to demonstrate that the Fashion Sector is also concerned with Sustainability and this already occurs in many companies and with a variety of professionals in the area, where it is possible to verify several actions that are already in practice and that will impact on the Future of the industry. It is relevant to reflect the practice of the Fashion industry, through the processes, mainly, from the raw material, the processing of processed products, primary and secondary packaging, until its arrival to the final consumer. The construct of this article was based on bibliographical research of studies in the fashion and sustainability sectors. It is expected to disseminate positive actions and thus influence society in the reflection and discussion on the subject, as there is a need to involve and persuade public opinion, still not very sensitive, to the changes that need to be made.
Date: 2017-05-03

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