Resiliência e sustentabilidade na construção civil

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Resiliência e sustentabilidade na construção civil

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Title: Resiliência e sustentabilidade na construção civil
Author: Andrade, Gabriel Dibe; Dalpaz, Leticia; Moy, Leticia Silveira; Paloschi, Lucas; Macalossi, Pietro da Rocha; Antunes, Thiago Romeu; Zimmermann, Cláudio Cesar; Repette, Wellington Longuini
Abstract: Climate change imposes new and severe demands on civil construction sector. Constructive methods and design criteria must be improved in order for the buildings to withstand catastrophic events without disruption of their use. This article briefly discusses some aspects of civil construction resilience and presents the first results of an evaluation of climatic events in the State of Santa Catarina performed by the Construction Resilience Study Group of the Civil Engineering Department of the UFSC.
Date: 2017-05-03

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