Sustentabilidade e risco no trânsito: um estudo de representações sociais

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Sustentabilidade e risco no trânsito: um estudo de representações sociais

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Title: Sustentabilidade e risco no trânsito: um estudo de representações sociais
Author: Novak, Fabiana Buhrer; Teixeira, Edival Sebastião
Abstract: This article focuses on the social dimension of sustainability, which aims at the quality of life of the populations in their environments. The environment is conceptualized as a determined and perceived place where interactions between natural and cultural elements take place, implying processes of transformation of the environment. According to the theory of social representations, each subject delimits and acts on the environment from their representations, experiences and everyday experiences. The paper presents partial results of an investigation whose purpose is to analyze the relationships between social representations about traffic risk and traffic behavior of a group of delivery motorcycle and taxi motorcycle from Pato Branco. The data were collected through a free word evocation test, whose term inducer was risk in traffic, and a structured questionnaire. Partial results show that the elements of accident, recklessness and lack of attention are central to the social representations about traffic risk of the group being investigated.
Date: 2017-05-03

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