Design, Ética e Sustentabilidade

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Design, Ética e Sustentabilidade

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Title: Design, Ética e Sustentabilidade
Author: Rebollar, Paola Beatriz May; Medeiros, Pery Roberto Segala de; Carmo, Victor Barbosa do
Abstract: This article seeks to analyze the relationship between sustainability, ethics and design in improving the quality of life of the population. The concept of sustainability is broad and presents different dimensions. Among these, the social dimension is fundamental. Due to the great impact that the construction industry has on the environment and the great importance that interior spaces have on people's lives, Interior Designers can reduce the negative effects of their activities and improve the quality of the built environment. The interior spaces should be used and appreciated in a multi sensorial and multidimensional way and should be designed based on ethics and sustainability, allowing all people to be able to access, understand and participate in activities with autonomy, safety and comfort. For this to happen, it is necessary to broaden the discussions so that teachers, students and professionals can overcome the limitations established by the economic conjuncture and realize their role in the complex demands of contemporary society.
Date: 2017-05-03

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