Architecture, Permaculture and Bioconstruction

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Architecture, Permaculture and Bioconstruction

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Title: Architecture, Permaculture and Bioconstruction
Author: Marques, Patrícia Sousa; Tiago, Filemon Alves; Lima, Fabíolla Xavier Rocha Ferreira
Abstract: In this work, we seek to discuss and understand the concepts of permaculture and sustainability in architecture and urbanism, based on bibliographical research on sustainable construction alternatives. The methodology presents viable solutions for architectural practice permeating bioconstruction techniques and methods. Based on these concepts, the architects and biobuilders of the ArqViva Project, with the participation of collaborators, volunteers and residents, carried out the architectural project and the beginning of the construction of a day care center in the urban occupation Alto da Boa Vista, in Aparecida de Goiânia - GO. The results show the importance of returning to vernacular practices as a sustainable construction alternative and the benefits reverted to the community.
Date: 2023-06-05

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