Illumination design project for a Food truck with an isolated photovoltaic system

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Illumination design project for a Food truck with an isolated photovoltaic system

Show simple item record Pruinelli, João Vitor Marchi, João Pedro de Padilha, Juscelia Pereira, Luan Henrique Araldi, Jeancarlos 2023-06-19T18:00:57Z 2023-06-19T18:00:57Z 2023-06-05
dc.identifier.isbn 978-65-00-70842-4
dc.identifier.issn 2596-237X
dc.description.abstract As for the current society, there’s a search for renewable energy sources, and given the situation, this project was brought up as a way to provide energy to an isolated system that has not got a way of generating energy for itself, automatizing this energy-give process. Therefore the objective of this project was to develop a photovoltaic system that has the autonomy to provide energy to itself, and thy system shall be allocated onto a food truck. The system was fixed into a structure on top of the food truck, the structure which can be detached if the food truck ever needs to move. A few other components could be found inside of the food truck. This system was implanted into IFSC Campus Xanxerê’s container, simulating a food truck. Developing thy project helped to show how IFSC Campus Xanxerê is committed with sustainable development and with the community pt_BR
dc.language.iso por pt_BR
dc.publisher Grupo de Pesquisa Virtuhab pt_BR
dc.subject Sustainability pt_BR
dc.subject renewable energy pt_BR
dc.subject solar power pt_BR
dc.title Illumination design project for a Food truck with an isolated photovoltaic system pt_BR
dc.title.alternative Projeto de Iluminação com Sistema Fotovoltaico Isolado para Ônibus Food Truck pt_BR
dc.type Article pt_BR

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