Aspects between Design for Adaptability and Nature: bioinspiration in ephemeral artifacts

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Aspects between Design for Adaptability and Nature: bioinspiration in ephemeral artifacts

Show simple item record CALUETE NETO, PLÁCIDO FERNANDES Henriques, JOSÉ EVANDRO Arruda, AMILTON JOSÉ VIEIRA DE 2023-06-20T14:50:55Z 2023-06-20T14:50:55Z 2023-06-05
dc.identifier.isbn 978-65-00-70842-4
dc.identifier.issn 2596-237x
dc.description.abstract The contemporary environmental challenge, marked mainly by carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere that intensify climate change, has culminated in planetary consequences already considered irreversible. In this sense, this article seeks to emphasize Design for Adaptability (DfAD) as a Biomimicry design practice, through consideration of the life cycle and accommodation to changes. For this, an investigation of the ICD-ITKE 2013-14 Research Pavilion was carried out,highlighting the advantages in terms of design, structural and material logic for ephemeral bioinspired artifacts. Finally, it was emphasized that the look to Nature, as a source of solutions and references, shows itself as an alternative to balance the impacts arising from excessive human actions pt_BR
dc.language.iso por pt_BR
dc.publisher Grupo de Pesquisa VirtuHab/UFSC pt_BR
dc.subject design for adaptability pt_BR
dc.subject biomimicry pt_BR
dc.subject ephemeral architecture pt_BR
dc.title Aspects between Design for Adaptability and Nature: bioinspiration in ephemeral artifacts pt_BR
dc.title.alternative Aspectos entre o Design para Adaptabilidade (DfAD) e a Natureza: a bioinspiração em artefatos efêmeros pt_BR
dc.type Article pt_BR

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