The importance of valuing the territory for sustainability - recognizing, maintaining and disseminating the intangible heritage of the traditional communities of Lagoinha

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The importance of valuing the territory for sustainability - recognizing, maintaining and disseminating the intangible heritage of the traditional communities of Lagoinha

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Title: The importance of valuing the territory for sustainability - recognizing, maintaining and disseminating the intangible heritage of the traditional communities of Lagoinha
Author: Vitalino, Heloisa Helena Rosa; Oliveira, Rosângela Míriam Lemos de
Abstract: The objective of this work is to elucidate important issues related to sustainability, territory, art, the appreciation of tangible and intangible heritage and possible reverberations in educational institutions and society in general. The methodology used in this work was bibliographical and archival research and case studies. It is hoped that this work will encourage critical thinking, paradigm shifts and a better understanding of the production chain and the different stages of consumer goods. Systemic Design is an interesting proposal to connect the various links in such a chain and help promote a more dignified, fair and egalitarian society, promoting the appreciation of the collective and its constant feedback.
Date: 2023-06-05

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