Treatment of sanitary sewage in a flooded area in the Mauixi river - São Gabriel da Cachoeira city in Amazonas

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Treatment of sanitary sewage in a flooded area in the Mauixi river - São Gabriel da Cachoeira city in Amazonas

Show simple item record Barros, Marcos André Fernandes Maciel, Jussara Socorro Cury 2023-06-20T20:22:51Z 2023-06-20T20:22:51Z 2023-06-05
dc.identifier.isbn 978-65-00-70842-4
dc.identifier.issn 2596-237x
dc.description.abstract The treatment of sewage is essential to ensure the health and quality of life of the population. When sewage is not treated, we have the contamination of rivers, streams and groundwater, harming the local fauna and flora and putting the health of people who consume this water at risk. This basic service, guaranteed by the Federal Constitution, is a distant reality in small towns in Brazil. In the city of São Gabriel da Cachoeira, northwest of the State of Amazonas, due to the scarcity of financial resources for an adequate infrastructure, the waste and sewage effluents produced by the residents on the banks of the Mauixi stream are dumped directly into the water glass without the proper treatment. After dialogues with the Municipal Secretary of Environment and seeking alternatives to mitigate the problem, this study aims, through bibliographical research in academic articles and technical reports, to identify alternatives that may make this treatment possible pt_BR
dc.language.iso por pt_BR
dc.publisher Grupo de Pesquisa VirtuHab/UFSC pt_BR
dc.subject Sanitation pt_BR
dc.subject São Gabriel da Cachoeira-AM pt_BR
dc.subject Alternative sewage treatment pt_BR
dc.title Treatment of sanitary sewage in a flooded area in the Mauixi river - São Gabriel da Cachoeira city in Amazonas pt_BR
dc.title.alternative Tratamento de esgoto sanitário na área do igarapé Mauixi – Município de São Gabriel da Cachoeira-AM pt_BR
dc.type Article pt_BR

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