Individuals and Organizations Impacted by the Actions of a Product’s Design

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Individuals and Organizations Impacted by the Actions of a Product’s Design

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Title: Individuals and Organizations Impacted by the Actions of a Product’s Design
Author: Linhares, Esdras Jorge; Faria, Laura Batista da Silva; Siqueira, Maisa Rachman de; Manke, Maria Fernanda; Gaspar, Raquel de Aquino; Ferroli, Paulo Cesar Machad
Abstract: Design actions have always impacted mankind. A project, in general, is the result of a human need, which can be perceptible or not. As mankind grows in number, needs have become greater, involving individual and collective needs. Design actions formulated to meet these needs affect the environment, both in terms of individuals and organizations. This article is the result of conceptual discussions on the subject, and seeks to foster in new designers the relationship between design activity and sustainability.
Date: 2023-06-05

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