Environmental education with an emphasis on climate change: development of the Climate Roulette game

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Environmental education with an emphasis on climate change: development of the Climate Roulette game

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Title: Environmental education with an emphasis on climate change: development of the Climate Roulette game
Author: Ferreira, Ian Victor Silva; Corrêa, Rosália; Pazmino, Ana Veronica
Abstract: Climate change is a natural process on the planet. However, human actions such as consumerism, deforestation, excessive waste production and the unbridled emission of polluting gases impact this process, causing catastrophic damage. In view of this alarming scenario, this article addresses the design process of an educational physical game with an emphasis on climate change and its impacts in the social sphere. It is an intuitive method of promoting knowledge and sensitizing the child and youth population: the future generation. The project was guided by the design methods addressed during the Design Methodology discipline of the UFSC Product Design course. The survey synthesizes data and suggestions from the target audience, as well as competitors in the current market. The result is a roulette game that explores the dynamics through questions and answers to be used in schools, homes or in leisure time with friends, stimulating the involvement of young people with the theme.
URI: https://repositorio.ufsc.br/handle/123456789/247053
Date: 2023-06-05

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