The Environmental Dimension of Design and its Influence on Sustainability

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The Environmental Dimension of Design and its Influence on Sustainability

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Title: The Environmental Dimension of Design and its Influence on Sustainability
Author: Oliverio, Luan da Silva; Werlang, Mariane; Vieira, Raquel Sotero; Pereira, Rebeca da Silva Nascimento; Santos, Vitoria Cidade dos; Ferroli, Paulo Cesar Machado
Abstract: This article shows a systematic review addressing the main levels of strategies that can be used in design, at a progressive level, from environmental impact to the need for changes in habits and behaviors of both consumers and producers. Factors that were considered, among others, involved the consumers and producer's willingness to change, the existence and effectiveness of general and sector-specific laws and regulations, and the organization of the production chain.
Date: 2023-06-05

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