Reflections on Heideggerian dwelling in contemporany times

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Reflections on Heideggerian dwelling in contemporany times

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Title: Reflections on Heideggerian dwelling in contemporany times
Author: Silva, Gislaine Carolina da; Almeida, Maristela Moraes de
Abstract: This article takes a look at the concept of dwelling proposed by the philosopher Martin Heidegger exposed at the Mensch und Raum conference in Darmstädter , in 1951, through the pronouncement of the essay ‘Building Dwelling Thinking’. The study takes the form of intellectual interest, as it aims to deepen the understanding of the concept of dwelling and its relationship with a way of living that is more coherent with the planet that shelters us. The concept of dwelling, despite having been reflected more than seventy years ago, has proved to be an emerging subject for the current times, showing a close relationship with the theme of sustainability, since dwelling seems to be a means of achieving it. It is hoped that the questions presented here will be an invitation to rethink the way we inhabit the world.
Date: 2023-06-05

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