Manufacturing and analysis of the compression resistance of an alternative material for sustainable masonry from foundry sand and plastic.

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Manufacturing and analysis of the compression resistance of an alternative material for sustainable masonry from foundry sand and plastic.

Show simple item record Lassen, Ângela Gramville, Ana Júlia Martins Jantsch, Nadine Dessoy, Laura Valentini Lopes, Diorges Carlos 2023-06-29T13:55:31Z 2023-06-29T13:55:31Z 2023-06-05
dc.identifier.issn 2596-237X
dc.description.abstract Foundry is an agile process in obtaining finished metal parts, where for each ton of sand that enters the process, an equivalent amount of waste is generated. And plastic is a widely used polymer due to its low cost and diverse application in all sectors of society, however, it has an insufficient recycling system. In this context, through this work, technical tests were carried out with artisanal production and empirical dosages, aiming at the use of these two residues, plastic and foundry sand, as raw material for an alternative material for use in masonry. The result obtained was satisfactory where all the test specimens exceeded the resistance of 6 MPa with regard to the axial compression tests, presenting itself as a possible option for the reuse of these residues. pt_BR
dc.language.iso por pt_BR
dc.publisher Grupo de Pesquisa Virtuhab/ UFSC pt_BR
dc.subject Masonry pt_BR
dc.subject Polypropylene pt_BR
dc.subject Foundry sand. pt_BR
dc.title Manufacturing and analysis of the compression resistance of an alternative material for sustainable masonry from foundry sand and plastic. pt_BR
dc.title.alternative Confecção e análise da resistência a compressão de um material alternativo para alvenaria sustentável a partir de areia de fundição e plástico. pt_BR
dc.type Article pt_BR

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