The production of subjectivities and design from the Three Ecologies
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The production of subjectivities and design from the Three Ecologies |
Garcia, Natali Abreu; Rodrigues, Rodrigo Reis; Freire, Karine de Mello; Franzato, Carlo
This paper proposes the presentation of the concept ‘production of subjectivities’ as a premise for the
development of new design attitudes aimed at regeneration, in which socio-environmental issues are
fundamental. A critique of design will be articulated with the notion of production of subjectivity,
pointing to Ecosophy, an ethical-aesthetic-political paradigm proposed by Félix Guattari, as a
framework for the theoretical-methodological development of regenerative design processes. Finally, a
case will be presented where these methodological perspectives were tried out in design processes. As
a result, we identified that this paradigm was fundamental for the development of meta-project
reflection, more than project solutions. And from these reflections emerged critical productions in the
form of manifestos that would serve as the necessary catalyst for the regeneration not only of the
territory but of the subjectivities and social relations involved. |
23-12-06 |
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