Slowing down to live with purpose: a systematic review on Slow Living

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Slowing down to live with purpose: a systematic review on Slow Living

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Title: Slowing down to live with purpose: a systematic review on Slow Living
Author: Thomaz, Thomaz; Prado, Gheysa Caroline
Abstract: The aim of this article is to identify characteristics and concepts related to the Slow Living movement, allowing it to be understood as a relevant and promising phenomenon of resistance in a fast-paced society. Gaining a better understanding of it will allow us to reflect on how to use it on design processes. To achieve this goal, a systematic literature review was carried out in various academic databases, including scientific articles, books and other sources. The selected studies directly addressed the topic of Slow Living, providing significant insights into its characteristics and applications in different contexts. It allowed us to understand that Slow Living is essentially a lifestyle proposal adopted by people who seek to slow down the pace of their daily lives in various spheres of life, work, leisure, food, etc. However, the results of the review indicate that Slow Living is a concept that is still emerging and under-explored in the scientific literature.
Date: 23-12-06

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