Anticipate sustainable transitions from the edges

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Anticipate sustainable transitions from the edges

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Title: Anticipate sustainable transitions from the edges
Author: Rocha, J. Cézar Cavalcanti; Castillo, Leonardo Gomes; Ibarra, Maria Cristina
Abstract: This article addresses an ongoing research about the adaptation process of an expectation-based anticipation framework for innovation adoption in consumers, aiming to enhance sustainable transitions in systems. We report the first cycle of this journey, in which, through a theoretical review, we assess how the examined theoretical devices respond to and can learn from topics related to systemic transitions towards sustainable futures from the Global South context. In this process, we found the need to prospect better presents, involve multi-species, consider ways to find "attentionability" rather than control, and ensure that dreams and hopes can motivate actions.
Date: 23-12-06

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