Water Consumption in Construction Sites: A case study in the city of Joinville/SC
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Water Consumption in Construction Sites: A case study in the city of Joinville/SC |
Ravizza, Kamilla; Kalbusch, Andreza; Henning, Elisa
Understanding water consumption at construction sites is important because it allows knowledge of the
factors that can influence demand in the civil construction sector and enables the creation of water
conservation strategies. This article presents a multiple case study, with the objective of evaluating
water consumption in four construction sites in the city of Joinville/SC. Which were studied and
compared based on the following information: built area, number of floors, number of apartments,
number of bedrooms and bathrooms per apartment, construction method and use of outsourced versus
labor contracted by the construction company. The water consumption in m³/m² of built area, found in
this study, varied between 0.139m³/m² and 0.376m³/m². |
23-12-06 |
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