Beyond Borders: The journey of adults, youth and children in crafting the “Horizons” fashion accessories collection

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Beyond Borders: The journey of adults, youth and children in crafting the “Horizons” fashion accessories collection

Show simple item record Tavares, Ninon Rose 2023-12-15T12:37:39Z 2023-12-15T12:37:39Z 23-12-06
dc.identifier.isbn 978-65-00-87779-3
dc.description.abstract This paper reports the creation process of a fashion accessory collection made by students of the State University of Pará, along with the participants of the “I care” project from the Núcleo de Atendimento Especializado da Criança e do Adolescente - NAECA. The workshop strives to present the possibility of a new income source for the families. As a Result, 4 main lines were designed, in hopes to capture the essence of NAECA and it’s project pt_BR
dc.language.iso por pt_BR
dc.publisher Grupo de Pesquisa VirtuHab/UFSC pt_BR
dc.subject Social Design; Co-creation; Fashion pt_BR
dc.title Beyond Borders: The journey of adults, youth and children in crafting the “Horizons” fashion accessories collection pt_BR
dc.title.alternative Além das fronteiras: a jornada de adultos, jovens e crianças na produção da coleção de Acessórios de moda “Horizontes’ pt_BR
dc.type Article pt_BR

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