Design for the Base of the Pyramid (BoP): implications for the Housing First Model

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Design for the Base of the Pyramid (BoP): implications for the Housing First Model

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Title: Design for the Base of the Pyramid (BoP): implications for the Housing First Model
Author: Custódio, Isabela Macário; Santos, Aguinaldo dos; Barata, Tomás Queiroz Ferreira
Abstract: Considering the social dimension of Sustainable Design, this research aims to review the possibilities of implementing the Housing First philosophy as a public policy, as it is characterized as a form of action of Design for the Base of the Pyramid (BoP) that promotes the inclusion of the homeless population in the community and provides equity and social cohesion. The theoretical basis describes the ideas of Design BOP and relates them to Housing First services through a literature review of authors working on these definitions. This is followed by an analysis of the Seattle-based organization Low Income Housing Institute (LIHI), more specifically the Tiny House Villages program. After discussing the organizational and design guidelines they propose, the information gathered is related to the Brazilian social context.
Date: 23-12-06

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