Making as practice of autonomy with Boi da Floresta: co-creating to overcome seasonality in a creative community

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Making as practice of autonomy with Boi da Floresta: co-creating to overcome seasonality in a creative community

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Title: Making as practice of autonomy with Boi da Floresta: co-creating to overcome seasonality in a creative community
Author: Coelho, Priscila Penha; Izidio, Luiz Lagares; Noronha, Raquel Gomes; Santos, Marcella Abreu; Oliveira, Maria Tereza Rodrigues
Abstract: The article presents the results of research that aimed to produce alternatives for the autonomy and economic sustainability of a bumba meu boi group in the state of Maranhão. Based on a critical view of co-creation and the production and circulation of craft products, the action research undertaken uses co-creation tools to come up with products that can be produced by the group, which is idle from embroidery practice during the second half of the year, often falling into a situation of social vulnerability. The co-creation carried out took place through workshops and the use of tools, and the results of the research, in addition to the co-created products, provide a reflection through triangulations involving the methodological path, the statements of the co-researchers and the theory used, generating a reflection on the subject
Date: 23-12-06

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