Artificial Intelligence and AECD Project: mapping the application of AI into a projects structure framework

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Artificial Intelligence and AECD Project: mapping the application of AI into a projects structure framework

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Title: Artificial Intelligence and AECD Project: mapping the application of AI into a projects structure framework
Author: Gomes, Leonardo G. de Oliveira; Pereira, Andréa Franco
Abstract: Research into digital design assistance and artificial intelligence (AI) is not new. Advances stemming from them have strongly marked our way of developing projects, reaching the potential for disruptive and discontinuous creations, far beyond what we know in the world. AIs have plenty of room to grow, and within decades intelligent machines could possibly surpass human intelligence. But first there will be a significant disruption in the way we behave, practice and learn. We need to understand how to deal with this advance. This study is interested in expanding and diversifying the use of AIs in the design practice of Architecture, Engineering, Construction and Design, proposing an introductory mapping (basic framework) of which AI-based systems, services and artifacts actually assist, affect and are available for use by designers, as well as what changes in design practice with regard to conceptualization, interpretation, functionality and performance, the natural requirements of AECD projects.
Date: 23-12-06

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