Digital fabrication and sustainable design: case studies for the Precious Plastic Project

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Digital fabrication and sustainable design: case studies for the Precious Plastic Project

Show simple item record Caluete Neto, Plácido Fernandes Chacon, Isabela Marquim Nogueira Silva, Isabella Rodrigues Oliveira da Laurentino, Auta Luciana Mendes, Letícia Teixeira 2023-12-20T18:40:18Z 2023-12-20T18:40:18Z 23-12-06
dc.identifier.isbn 978-65-00-87779-3
dc.description.abstract The significant emission of greenhouse gases and the generation of solid waste in the environment, which make up the context of the planet's climate emergency, have led to consequences that are now recognized as irreversible for future generations of the planet's inhabitants. In this sense, the use of recycled materials for product design artifacts, together with the popularization of digital manufacturing technological processes, has proved to be a promising alternative in the quest to reduce these impacts. In this way, this article presents an experiment in the use of recycled plastic as part of a postgraduate course in Architecture and Design at the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE) in partnership with the Precious Plastic program, supported by the institution's Digital Fabrication laboratory. The document presents a case study of two pieces of work developed during the course and their different strategies and concepts for creating a piece of furniture made from the raw material in question. pt_BR
dc.language.iso por pt_BR
dc.publisher Grupo de Pesquisa VirtuHab/UFSC pt_BR
dc.subject sustainable design; rapid prototyping; digital fabrication; recycled plastic; Precious Plastic pt_BR
dc.title Digital fabrication and sustainable design: case studies for the Precious Plastic Project pt_BR
dc.title.alternative Fabricação digital e Design Sustentável: estudos de caso para o Projeto Precious Plastic pt_BR
dc.type Article pt_BR

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