Peace, justice and strong institution: violence prevention in a public school

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Peace, justice and strong institution: violence prevention in a public school

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Title: Peace, justice and strong institution: violence prevention in a public school
Author: Medeiros, Yan Liszt Ximenes; Costa, Suéllen Mota Marques; Rodrigues, Cláudio Santos; Engler, Rita de Castro
Abstract: This work aimed to answer the following problem-question: how could Graphic Design contribute to the prevention of violence in a public school? The object of study was a public elementary school located in the city of Belo Horizonte, where there were cases of violence among students between 11 and 14 years old. The goal was to plan, execute and evaluate actions to prevent violence among students. The method consisted of carrying out two workshops for the production of violence prevention posters, followed by the elaboration of an artistic intervention on the inner face of one of the school's walls. The results indicate that Graphic Design can contribute by creating and/or strengthening support networks for violence prevention.
Date: 23-12-06

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