Estudo in vitro do transporte de ions hidroxida e calcio atraves da dentina radicular

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Estudo in vitro do transporte de ions hidroxida e calcio atraves da dentina radicular

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Title: Estudo in vitro do transporte de ions hidroxida e calcio atraves da dentina radicular
Author: Felippe, Mara Cristina Santos
Abstract: O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar o transporte, através da dentina radicular, de íons hidroxila e cálcio, provenientes de hidróxido de cálcio veiculado em água destilada ou propileno glicol e, paralelamente, observar a influência de trocas da medicação sobre esse transporte. A análise das medidas de pH e de concentração de cálcio, registradas ao longo de 127 dias, permitiu observar que os íons hidroxila e cálcio se difundem através da dentina radicular, sem diferenças significativas em relação aos veículos empregados e que as trocas da medicação não foram capazes de aumentar o transporte iônico. Abstract : The present research had as a goal to assess diffusion, through radicular dentin, of hydroxyl and calcium ions, such as generated by calcium hydroxide associated to different vehicles and, at the same time, to observe the influence medication changes might exert upon such diffusion. To that end, 08 (eight) extracted dog's teeth were employed. Following emptying of canals, removal of cementum and covering of the apical portion, the teeth were divided into 04 (four) groups. ln two groups, the canals were filled with calcium hydroxide in a propylene glycol vehicle (Group 1), or distilled water (Group 2). Teeth in Group 3 were filled with an identical paste to that of Group 1, changes of the medication being carried out at every 4 weeks. Teeth in Group 4 were kept empty, becoming the control group. After coronary sealing, the teeth were placed into individual plastic containers with 10 ml deionized water. Along a period of 127 days the water was collected at various time intervals in an effort to record pH and calcium concentration. Analysis of such data made possible to note hydroxyl and calcium ions permeate through the radicular dentin, without significant differences as it regards the vehicles employed. It was also observed the changes of medication were not able to increase ion diffusion.
Description: Dissertação (Mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciencias da Saude
Date: 1998

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